We are pleased to welcome you to the new Electricité du Liban (EDL) site on the internet!
Through the update of the present site which was launched for the first time in 2004, we are trying our best-endeavor to address the customers' questions and to provide comprehensive information that they are looking for in order to assist them in organizing their daily life which is highly influenced by the supply of electricity. Our objective is to improve the Power service, as much as possible, within the available capabilities.
Updating the present site is taking place simultaneously with the completion of the new projects related to the production, transmission and distribution sectors. The new power plants at Zouk an Jiyeh were the first of these projects, that were respectively put into service on February 27 and March 23, 2017 and led to the increase the electric supply up to three additional hours per day; other projects shall follow, precisely the main substations and their transmission lines in various Lebanese regions where citizens shall benefit from a more stable electricity supply. Among these projects, there are six main 220 kV substations namely in Dahieh, Achrafieh, Behsas, Saida, Baalbeck, Marina, Dbayeh, in addition to the 66 kV substation in Bednayel and three mobile substations at Aassoun (Donnieh), Jezzine and Batroun. These projects are listed in the electricity emergency plan approved by the Parliament upon Law no. /181/ enacted on 5/10/2011 in the “Policy Paper for the Electricity Sector” and ratified by the Council of Ministers in June 2010.
Said projects are being introduced after the absence of investments in the Power Sector for more than 20 years. The administration of Electricité du Liban (EDL) was seeking, during the past years up till now, to ensure a stable power supply to all Lebanese citizens, preserve this national establishment and this vital sector that is linked to the daily life of every Lebanese citizen and has an impact on the economic development in the country. During the last years, the collection level of electricity bills increased despite the severe circumstances that EDL witnessed limiting its financial, administrative and technical capacities, as such its mandatory closure in 2012 and 2014, the unstable security and political situation in the Lebanon that has a great impact on the establishment, particularly on the bills collection matter.
Today we are looking forward, with the assistance of EDL Board of Directors, to round off all projects mentioned in the “Policy Paper for the Electricity Sector” especially the Master Plan for the production and transmission sectors, drawn by Electricité du Liban (EDL) in cooperation with Electricité de France (EDF), till sustainable electricity supply covers the whole Lebanese territory.
This site had been designed and executed by a team of EDL engineers and technicians, who hardly worked to develop it and to introduce information making it useful and serviceable as much as possible. This site shall be subject to continuous development, and you are kindly invited to regularly visit it and get acquainted with all the improvements and periodical additions that will be introduced in the near future.
Lastly, please remember that Electricité du Liban (EDL) employees are always ready to assist you and to your satisfaction.
May we wish you an enjoyable visit to our site.